Marble statue group of the three graces depict the daughters of Zeus, from left to right-Eufroinium, Aglaia and Waist, which represented fun, elegance and beauty, respectively.
These are real installation feedback from Australian customers below. This marble Three Graces statue is from the artists at YouFine.
It looks like this set of The Three Graces statue fits the environment so well.
About This Sculpture
The marble statue group of the three graces are three wonderful girls who hold each other together.
The sculpture cleverly uses the ribbon to cover the privacy of the part, the line is soft and smooth, reflects the tender skin texture of the girl.
This sculpture is unforgettable and is a world-class sculpture.
Excellent Gaeden Decor
Imagine how exciting it would be if this famous marble statue group of the three graces was placed in your living room or garden.
This marble female statue could be exposed to the weather (outdoors). Great for decoration or as a gift.
Professional Carving Technique
The sculpture is a replica of the marble statue group of the three graces from the Borghese Collection in the Louvre Museum in Paris.Our artisans are those who give life to stone.
Their carved limbs are natural and even subtle skin folds are vivid.