Ecuador Beach Park Project

Table of Contents

Project Description:
Project Introduction

Project Introduction

Location: Ecuador

Date: 2020-2021

Project Description:

  • This theme park project is located on a beach in Ecuador. The customer shared that the park features a soccer field, a volleyball court, and a bicycle track—popular activities among the Ecuadorian people. Given the significance of this project, YouFine is committed to delivering exceptional results.
  • During the product selection process, we carefully analyzed the customer’s needs and the park’s environment, designing five different proposals. After thorough consideration, the customer chose the marine-themed design and placed an order for nine sculptures from YouFine. These include four bronze sculptures, four stainless steel sculptures, and one marble fountain.  
  • All sculptures are currently in production and being meticulously crafted. The marine-themed park has already received a warm welcome in Ecuador, and we are proud to contribute to its success.


The beginning of cooperation

The Beginning of Cooperation

Based on the blueprint provided by the customer, YouFine’s sales team and designers leveraged their years of experience and creative inspiration to select a variety of marine-themed sculptures to enhance the theme park. Through in-depth discussions with the customer, we finalized the design plan to ensure it perfectly aligned with their vision.

From the video shared by the customer, we identified the whale as the park’s central theme element, positioned at the heart of the site. The whale sculpture is renowned as a landmark in Taiwan, China. 
Drawing inspiration from the original design concept while incorporating Ecuador’s local culture, YouFine aimed to create a unique and innovative interpretation of this iconic piece.

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Venue display

Venue isplay

  • The beach scenery in Ecuador is stunning both during the day and at night. To ensure our sculptures would serve as the perfect decorative elements for the park, YouFine’s designers engaged in ten days of in-depth communication with the customer, carefully refining every detail to align with their vision.
  • After finalizing the pricing, the customer expressed heartfelt gratitude to YouFine. Throughout the multiple discussions and revisions of the proposal, our collaboration helped the project gain official government approval. No matter how complex the process, we remain dedicated to ensuring every project progresses smoothly and successfully.
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Design Choices

Design Choices

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